Tag: R&W Scott

FDF Scotland’s Joanne Burns and Aldomak.

Reformul8 Challenge Fund boosts Scottish food firms

The Reformul8 Challenge Fund from FDF Scotland will support Scottish food manufacturers to make healthier products by reducing salt, fat and sugar content.

Set to open new jars

Flavour and health launches take Scottish traditional values to the modern spreads market JAM has seen significant challenges in recent times. But Scotland has a...

Adding the fruit dimension

Scottish sweet spreads manufacturer R&W Scott has been spreading its own activity and developing new products to offer a healthier style of treat. The firm...

Preserve a Scottish jam tradition

A piece and jam may no longer be flung out the ‘windae of a 20-storey flat’, as an early version of food to go...
Jam firm adds a saucy dimension

Jam firm adds a saucy dimension – New from R&W Scott

SCOTTISH jam producer, family-owned company R&W Scott, is tempting home bakers with a new range of premium sauces, designed to fill cakes, accompany desserts...