Scottish dairy launches all-natural milk

SCOTTISH dairy Mossgiel Farm has launched what it claims to be the most natural chocolate milk on the market.
Dubbed the ‘brown cow milk’, the product has been made from waste cocoa husks sourced from artisanal chocolatier Bare Bones, ensuring that each bottle is eco-friendly in its production.
Further to this, after the brewing process is complete the husks are then combined with waste coffee from Matthew Algie, cow dung and bedding to create a rich and organic fertiliser for the farm’s land. This compost is used to nourish the farm’s fields, helping to complete Mossgiel’s zero-waste cycle.
Bryce Cunningham (pictured), founder of Mossgiel Farm, said: “We’ve been eager to develop a Mossgiel chocolate milk for some time now, but it was important that we created a drink that is not only natural, but also sustainable.
“Like there’s a problem with the dairy industry we’re trying to solve, there’s also a problem with chocolate milk. It’s full of rubbish.
“We wanted something that was quality, using real chocolate, not just nonsense and E numbers.
“We are taking what would otherwise be waste and turning it into a fresh drink – not with an E number in sight, natural cream on top and completing a zero-waste cycle.”
Animal welfare and sustainability remain at the heart of the farm’s production, where Mossgiel ensures that calves are not separated from their mothers shortly after birth – as can be the case for some dairy producers – and allows the cows to raise their calves naturally on the farm.
The new Mossgiel Brown Cow Milk will be available to purchase from 12 November with a price of £2.75 per bottle.
Cunningham said: “I grew up hearing tales of people thinking chocolate milk comes from brown cows, rather than cocoa and sugar. It’s always stuck with me – why not make it a reality?
“Ayrshire cows are of course brown, so there is some truth to it now: this chocolate milk certainly does come from brown cows – and it doesn’t cost the planet to drink it.”