Tips to drive up the bread section this winter season

WINTER presents plenty of opportunities for the bread and bakery aisle in stores.
Celebrations aplenty and frosty mornings will push consumers to look to something warm to help kick-start the day.
Toast smothered with a layer of melting butter will surely be a tempting offer, then, according to Hovis, which reckons the bake-at-home category will see a strong performance over winter.
Alistair Gaunt, commercial director at Hovis, said: “Sales in this sector typically rise over the last few months of the year, culminating in a spike over Christmas as shoppers are able to rapidly recreate the aroma and taste of bake-at-home products so they always have bread for unexpected guests over Christmas.
“In addition, bake-at-home products offer a long shelf life and are therefore an attractive proposition for retailers looking to prevent waste.
“Our artisan-inspired Hovis Bakers Since 1886 Home Bakes formats offer the perfect range to respond to this trend, including a selection of quality part-basked rolls and baguettes.”
The season also offers the chance to drive up some more premium options across the range, too, according to Gaunt, as more consumers seek to treat themselves.
Hovis’ latest addition to its Bakers Since 1886 range could appeal here, then, with the new Rustic Bloomers options including a Rustic White Bloomer, Rustic Seeded Bloomer and Rustic Granary Bloomer.
Gaunt said: “Developed using traditional sponge and dough methods, and slow fermentation, the bloomer breads offer enhanced flavour complexity and a soft texture.
“Unlike conventional bloomers available on the market, Hovis’ 1886 Rustic Bloomers are free-flowing, baked in shallow trays, helping to yield an unmistakably traditional tapered and rounded shape with thick slices, generous end crusts and four distinctive diagonal cuts for truly artisinal-inspired experience.”
And when it comes to the Christmas period itself, Gaunt reckons consumers will be on the lookout for these more premium, specialised products to make the festivities all the more exciting.
Gaunt said: “There is typically a rise in demand for ‘toasting’ products such as crumpets and teacakes as shoppers look for warming snacks in the winter months.
“Christmas itself is a time when shoppers often look to buy more premium, special products, and bread is no exception here.
“Hovis Bakers Since 1886 Half Cob White, Seeded and Granary loaves in both 450g half cobs and 550g bloomers are ideal for elevating the breakfast or brunch occasion – as well as providing the perfect loaf for a delicious sandwich with leftovers from Christmas dinner.”