Stay well-stocked for this winter season

COLDER months are on the way and with them comes a host of different seasonal illnesses that will have plenty of consumers reaching for some over-the-counter (OTC) remedies.
Retailers that stand ready to meet this demand will surely be in good stead for the winter and Lanes Health reckons it can provide the solutions everyone is looking for at this time of the year.
Elizabeth Hughes-Gapper, senior brand manager for Jakemans, said: “As we are about to enter the colder months, we will see an increase in sales for winter remedies as consumers feel more confident treating winter ailments at home.
“This means that retailers need to ensure they are meeting the increased demands from consumers and tap into their desire for dependability, quality and efficacy.”
To match this across convenience, retailers should match the different need states of consumers, whether that be for the ones looking to buy in larger formats to tackle the illness at home or for those stuck in a busy lifestyle, meaning they will need an on-the-go solution when that sore throat strikes.
Fortunately, Jakemans provides both of these in spades that retailers can take advantage of to really drive up sales from the winter remedies category.
Available in hanging bag solutions, the Jakemans range offers a wide variety of flavours for consumers to pick their favourite flavour in a larger solution.
But when that sore throat hits when you’re out on the road, it can be the one irritation that can ruin the day as you spend the hours focusing on it and little else.
For consumers suffering here, Jakemans reckons its stick format packs will appeal, coming in three flavours including Throat & Chest, Cherry and Honey & Lemon – which are the brand’s three biggest selling flavours.
And at the start of this year, Jakemans aimed to make the most out of the sugar-free market with the launch of a sugar-free variant of its Throat & Chest lozenges in a 50g hanging bag format.
Lanes Health also remains keen to keep the Jakemans brand at the forefront of consumers’ minds this winter season as the firm noted it would be running a marketing campaign for the brand over the coming colder months.
Kicking off for this winter, the new campaign will be seen across TV, radio as well as PR campaigns in a bid to help consumers better recognise the brand and ensure consumers are well aware of the options available to them.
Hughes-Gapper said: “In 2022, the cough, cold, and flu remedy category grew due to the lifting of social distancing measures and weakened consumer immunity after strict hygiene practices during the pandemic.
“This trend has continued in 2023 and we are seeing an increase in ailments as consumers have not fully regained their pre-pandemic immune health.
“With the winter season soon approaching, retailers will start to see an increase in consumers looking for winter remedies as the NHS recommends that patients experiencing winter ailments can be self-medicated
“This ‘care at home’ trend will continue to evolve as consumers feel more confident to treat common ailments themselves.
“And with incident rates of common illnesses such as coughs, colds and flus on the rise as consumers lifestyles return to ‘normal’, it’s likely that the category will return to pre-COVID performance.”