New hire is paving the way

Duncan Cunningham

PHILIP Morris Limited (PML) has named Duncan Cunningham as its new external affairs director, as the firm aims to improve access to its smoke-free range of products.

Joining the firm after seven years at Imperial Brands, Cunningham holds under his belt five years of experience working with security firm Lockheed Martin as well as seven years working as a diplomat in the Foreign Office.

His new role at PML will see him working alongside the government as well as the full range of stakeholders to stimulate the adoption of harm-reduction policies as the UK works towards its smoke-free by 2030 goal, according to PML.

Cunningham said: “Increased use of e-cigarettes as an alternative to cigarettes has had a significant impact on reducing smoking prevalance in the UK, but more needs to be done to help the country’s remaining 6.7 million adult smokers.

“The opportunity exists to take advantage of technological innovation to help the UK become a world leader in tobacco harm reduction.”