Value and visibility are key to drinks sales

LIMITED shelf space in a c-store makes it important to stock a versatile drinks range at Christmas, says David McLaughlan, key account manager at Glen Turner.
He expanded: “This channel offers customers the opportunity to grab those last-minute products that they forgot on their ‘big shop’.
“You have a captive audience when shoppers are in-store, so while they could be visiting for one thing, they may well leave with two or three more items if the offer is there.”
McLaughlan added that, particularly with the current increase in the cost of living, value is a key consideration for shoppers looking for alcohol.
He said: “With value being important this year, I think consumers will be looking to maximise spend and I believe this will be the case across the full festive period.“
He added that if a shopper is planning to host parties then opting for a one-litre bottle of spirits will give more volume without paying too much more than the standard 70cl.
He also pointed to an increase in demand for miniature spirits sizes during the festive gifting season.
McLaughlan finished by saying: “Christmas is a great time of year for a nice brandy and, as we head into the festive period, we have a big campaign built around Bardinet, the number two branded brandy in the UK.”