Wrapping up plastic

GLASS container manufacturer Encirc has partnered with Brtivic to trial the removal of plastic shroud wraps on its drinks pallets.

The trial is estimated to remove aorund 2000 tonnes of plastic, according to Encirc, as it plans to swap the wrap with fully recyclable straps.

As part of this trial, Encirc will also replace single-use cardboard that layers the pallets with reusable plastic, which can be washed after the delivery has been made.

This alone has been estimated by Encirc to save a potential 24 kilograms of cardboard per pallet from being wasted in the supply chain as well as help to contribute to Britvic’s own circular packaging goals.

Rob Turvey, sales & marketing director at Encirc, said: “We are always looking to help make our supply chain as efficient and sustainable as possible.

“Our 360 service where we manufacture, store, fill and distribute products to retail, from a single site is already unique, and this trial will further help us slash wastage and inefficiency.”

Craig Sayer, Britvic Leeds site operations manager, said: “This trial is the next step in our work to reduce carbon emissions and push for a more sustainable future. It has only been made possible through our close relationship with Encirc. We look forward to seeing the results of the trial.

“It’s so important to us that we work with companies and suppliers like Encirc who share our sustainability ambitions, helping us progress with the goals in our Healthier People, healthier Planet strategy.”