TESCO shoppers have been rounding up their spend to the nearest £1 at self-service tills to help support an in-store fundraising campaign for three of the UK’s leading health charities.
Last year, Tesco’s ‘Helping you to live healthier’ campaign raised more than £1 million to help Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.
In addition to raising funds, this year’s campaign, which ran from 12 September to 2 October, aimed to increase awareness about the importance of making sustainable lifestyle changes that can help people to lower the impact of cancer, heart and circulatory diseases, and diabetes.
Oonagh Turnbull, head of health campaigns at Tesco, thanked shoppers for their support, adding: “The funds raised will continue to support the health of UK communities at such a critical time. Our health charity partners rely on donations to continue their awareness, prevention and research work.”
Speaking for the charities, Cancer Research UK chief Michelle Mitchell said: “Campaigns like this are a great way to raise money, and to encourage people to make choices that lead to healthier lifestyles. Every penny raised matters, and we don’t take a single donation for granted.”