Healthy thinking to push snack sales

Mondelez’s Susan Nash said retailers should continue to carry on-the-go formats.

Mondelez reckons health still has a part to play

CONSUMERS have been placing more emphasis on health when shopping and Mondelez International reckons this is likely to continue into the new year.

Mondelez has said that health and wellness have never been more important – even in the confectionery category – and recommended retailers react accordingly.

Susan Nash, trade communications manager at Mondelez International, said: “Consumers are looking for permissible options, things that are ‘better for me’, functional nutrition offerings or snacks that are more authentic, natural and simple.

“If grocers can hit these key areas through different products in their snacking range, they can help health-conscious shoppers make better choices to grow category sales.”

Nash recommended retailers stock up on Mondelez’s Cadbury Nuttier range and said it offers consumers a more permissible treat with authenticity through its whole fruit and nut content. She acknowledged that health and wellbeing may have different meanings to different shoppers – with this extending to the health of the planet itself, for some shoppers.

She said: “Consumers are also now more conscious of where things come from.

“90% of consumers are equally or more concerned about environmental issues since the pandemic.

“In August, we announced a move to recyclable packaging for our snacking cheese brands, Philadelphia and Dairylea.

“This move is part of our ‘Pack Light and Pack Right’ strategy which supports our 2025 global goals to reduce virgin plastic in our rigid packaging by 25%, achieving 100% recyclable packaging and labelling with recycling information.”

Mondelez’s new strategy will also see Cadbury Dairy Milk produced in Bourneville and sold to UK and Ireland made with packaging containing up to 30% recycled plastic. Pack choices will also be key to tapping into different shopper missions in 2022, with Nash recommending retailers include a variety of formats in their range to meet evolving consumer demand.

She said: “In the past year we saw a significant shift as shopper dynamics changed, impacting the buying habits of certain formats.

“Impulsive on-the-go snacking purchases dropped as shoppers stocked up on bigger packs and looked for treats they could enjoy at home, particularly from those brands they know and love.

“With shopper habits constantly evolving, it’s important grocers carry a strong range of both on-the-go and single serve products to suit more impulsive shoppers out and about, as well as larger formats and multipacks for sharing or in-home occasions.”