Suppliers have their say

Filshill trucks

GLASGOW based wholesaler JW Filshill has retained its top spot in a survey of suppliers.

The Advantage Group Report asks suppliers to rank UK wholesalers and symbol groups in categories ranging from category and business development to execution of promotional and marketing plans. In 2021, for the ninth consecutive year, Filshill has been voted number one wholesaler in the UK.

To add to the celebration, Filshill’s KeyStore chain won the fascia groups category for the third time in a row.

Chief executive, Simon Hannah, said: “It has been part of our strategy for many years to take a partnership approach to working with suppliers by collaborating with them and sharing information and making them part of our success story – we view suppliers as part of the extended Filshill family.”

In the same poll, CJ Lang made headlines by jumping from eight place into third spot and the company’s trading director, Richard Collins, said: “This survey is a key barometer as to how well we are collaborating with our suppliers.

“The result we have achieved this year is testament to the people across all areas of the business and we have already identified further opportunities, from the feedback, to drive us forward to the number one spot next year.”

Unitas rated as the top buying group for the second year in a row.