COLD brew coffee Bottleshot has expanded its presence in the UK.
The New Orleans inspired brand first launched here in 2018 with founders Annie Mitchell and Charlotte Dales predicting that Europe would see the same spike in demand for cold brew coffee as the US, where 40% of ready-to-drink coffee products are cold brew products versus just 2.5% in Europe.
Bottleshot now estimates that the European RTD coffee market will be a £1.8Bn market by 2025 with the UK playing a big part.
Annie Mitchell said: “RTD coffee is prospering in the UK – growing by a fifth in the past year to a £165.6m market and becoming the fastest-growing segment in soft drinks.”
Mitchell continued: “When we first arrived in the UK, we couldn’t find anything that even came close to the coffee that we knew and loved.
“Both Charlotte and I were brought up in New Orleans and cold brew isn’t just a drink, it’s a way of life for us.
“We saw the exponential growth of cold brew coffee in the US and we were certain that the same would be seen this side of the pond.
“So, we thought we’d take matters into our own hands and launch Bottleshot here.
“We’re currently testing new products and we’ll hopefully be announcing these soon.”