A well-kent face for the SWA

John Farrell will now serve as member development and liaison officer for the SWA.

A FAMILIAR face to many Scottish convenience retailers has taken on a new role at the Scottish Wholesale Association.

John Farrell has joined the SWA as member development and liaison officer.
Farrell previously served as retail operations manager (North) for Landmark before the group merged with Today’s to form Unitas Wholesale.

In his new role, Farrell will be tasked with strengthening the relationships between SWA members and member suppliers, encouraging greater engagement and involvement with the work carried out by the SWA.

He will also be responsible for recruitment and will work with suppliers and other partners on joint business and strategy development opportunities within the SWA.

Colin Smith, chief executive of the SWA said: “We’re delighted to have secured an industry professional of the calibre of John Farrell to help strengthen our trade association for the benefit of members and the wider wholesale industry.

“John brings with him a wealth of experience and contacts in the industry which will prove invaluable to the SWA as we navigate the many challenges – and opportunities – that we face in the future.”

Commenting on his new role, Farrell said: “Wholesale is an exciting industry and SWA members operate some of the most innovative businesses in the sector in the UK.

“The SWA is ideally placed to help harness that innovation through collaboration, training and using its position as a robust and vocal trade association to raise the profile of the industry as a great place to work.”