Have bags of success


Backing bagged confectionery makes serious sense for convenience stores.

That would seem to be the message from confectionery brands, with Perfetti Van Melle trade marketing manager Mark Roberts describing the format as “essential” to big night in success.

“The confectionery market has seen bags and boxes grow £12m in the last year, highlighting the importance of sharing formats.”

These sentiments were echoed by Susan Nash, trade communications manager at Mondelez International, who said that it was “key” to have sharing formats as part of a store’s core range.

“Chocolate is still the number one choice for those settling down for a night in with friends and loved ones, followed by sugar confectionery, biscuits and crisps – so there are plenty of opportunities for cross-category selling to create the perfect night in.”

“What’s more, 52%  of all confectionery occasions take place with other people present, so having a range of sharing formats is key to maximising this opportunity,” she said.