Cutting the wrap for fresh food

fruit and veg in boxes

Aldi is helping Scottish consumers cut down on their plastic use, by selling five types of vegetables without any plastic packaging at all.

The trial, which is now underway at all of the discounter’s Scottish stores, focuses on savoy cabbage, red cabbage, white cabbage, pointed cabbage and cauliflower.

Customers will be able to buy these vegetables loose, with the six-week trial expected to save half a ton of plastic.

If Aldi then decides to roll out the initiative across the UK, then it is expected to remove more than 110 tonnes of plastic wrapping per year.

Fritz Walleczek, managing director of corporate responsibility at Aldi UK, said: “We’re working hard to reduce plastic, but we also need to ensure that reducing packaging doesn’t lead to unnecessary food waste.

“We’re hoping the outcome of this trial will be positive, and something that we can roll out across the rest of the UK.”

2019 marks 25 years since Aldi first landed in Scotland, and the firm now has more than 80 stores across the country.

Seven more Aldi stores are currently scheduled to open in Scotland this year.