See sales soar with price-marked packs

KEEPING confectionery sales buoyant is an important part of a strong convenience offer and retailers would be wise to deploy every trick in the book to ensure the category performs in their stores.
While confectionery certainly boasts broad appeal, consumers continue to place a premium on value for money, which is why price-marked-packs are a key weapon in any retailer’s confectionery arsenal, according to a number of producers.
Andy Mutton, of Storck UK, reckons that PMPs are bucking the trend and he produced the numbers to prove it.
“Overall the sugar confectionery market is seeing a decline in the convenience channel (-4.2%), but one particularly buoyant area is price-marked packs (PMPs) – sales are up 22% on last year for Werther’s Original, demonstrating that consumers not only still view sugar confectionery as part of their lifestyle but they’re also placing a strong emphasis on value for money offers,” he said.
PMPs may be appealing in and of themselves, but Mutton also argues the success enjoyed by Werther’s packs has been driven on with support from two other key factors.
“Werther’s Original’s success in PMPs can be put down to two key reasons – a £4m annual investment in TV advertising which has helped to drive consumers in store in search of their much-loved brand and secondly, we’ve been able to offer a comprehensive range solution.
“Each and every Werther’s product has a role to play and is enjoyed by a range of consumers for different reasons whether it be the original Butter Candy, Creamy Toffee or the chocolate-filled Eclair and our unique Creamy Filling,” he said.
Mark Walker of Swizzels also believes PMPs have been booming in the confectionery category, with marked packs playing well with price and quality-savvy consumers.
“As consumers have become more adept at recognising what constitutes real value for money, PMPs are more important than ever to confectionery sales. In response to the rise in cash conscious consumers, convenience channels and retailers are making,” he said.
“PMP’s increasingly prominent and are ensuring they stock products that meet a range of budgets.
“The heavy focus on discounting, means it is now easier than ever for consumers to find a deal, and creating a PMP display is sure to catch the eyes of shoppers.”
The reassurance of quality and value that a PMP can provide was also highlighted by Mark Roberts of Perfetti Van Melle, who reckons the format is key to boosting basket spend.
50% of shoppers feel PMPs reassure them they are getting the best value for money and stimulate purchases.
“50% of shoppers feel PMPs reassure them they are getting the best value for money and stimulate purchases,” he said.
To make the most of this. Roberts suggested retailers not only make sure they have a decent range of PMPs, but also take extra care to create an eye-catching display.
“Retailers should therefore make sure PMPs are easy to see, and that they are stocked in prominent places where impulse shoppers can take advantage of them,” he said.
“In addition to stocking key products by the till, think about where else you might best place PMPs. For example, our Smint £1 PMP might work well next to the coffee machine, and our Fruittella Sharing Bags could be part of a larger ‘Big Night In’ display.”