RETAIL charity GroceryAid has stepped up its activities in aid of those in the industry who have fallen on hard times with a campaign aimed at raising awareness of the issues affecting retailers and staff across the UK.
The #notbuyingit campaign is aimed at those in the industry who have been faced with a range of challenges or illnesses through a series of adverts, a direct mailing campaign and across social media.
The charity has now produced a series of short video adverts for the #notbuyingit campaign, which can be viewed on GroceryAid’s Youtube channel.
The campaign features a range of products branded with various issues, suggesting that it is “time to stop buying” these problems, and to get in touch with GroceryAid for support.
Chief executive Steve Barnes said: “Our research shows that many grocery colleagues need help and do not always realise they can turn to us.
“This bold campaign highlights how GroceryAid is there for grocery people facing serious illness, loneliness or crippling debt.”