CRISPS are a snack staple in Scotland’s convenience sector and for good reason.
With customers continuing to grab bags when they’re on the go or pick up multi-packs to take home, a number of firms have weighed in with advice on how retailers can capitalise on the crisp’s enduring popularity.
A spokesperson for Edinburgh-based crisp brand Golden Wonder said that while the choice of savoury snacks continues to grow, “crisps remain a mainstay of the category with over 85% of Scottish households buying crisps each year”.
Golden Wonder reckons that as consumers move away from the ‘weekly shop’, they in turn seek value and convenience.
A spokesperson said: “The ‘top-up shop’ is now a regular feature for many. Convenience stores have an opportunity to captialise on these visits by offering a broader range of brands.”
Promiscuous shoppers provide a sales opportunity for retailers looking to drive crisp and snack sales.
In current trading conditions, David Costello of Burton’s Biscuit Company, the firm behind Baked Snack Biscuits, reckons the snack category is ripe for sales growth.
Work with your snack reps to create secondary displays that will help maximise sales opportunities.
“The sector is really on consumer trend at the moment, meeting demand for products that consumers regard as both permissible and convenient,” he said.
In terms of pack sizes, Costello reckons that while sharing and single serve products are stronger within convenience, multipacks can contribute to snack growth, with these products accounting for “just over 10% of total crisps and snacks sales within the impulse sector.”
Paying attention to pack sizes can pay dividends according to Pierre Jackson of PepsiCo, the firm behind Walkers.
Jackson said that sharing bags currently made up “nearly 25% of all consumption occasions last year”, with growth in this segment accelerating through 2016.
To make the most of this demand, he suggested retailers focus on creating “great displays and visibility around store”.
“Use your reps to help identify the right range for your store – a small but mighty core range, which is relevant for your customers is all you need,” said Jackson.
“Work with your reps on secondary displays to help maximise sales opportunities.
“Keep up to speed with new products from your rep and work together to give them visibility in store to drive incremental profit.”
Looking to the future, Alex Alborne, founder of Pipers Crisps, reckons premium snacks offer fertile ground for sales growth.
“Within this market there is a definite and growing trend towards the consumption of premium snacks, particularly crisps,” he said.
“This is excellent news for retailers as it gives an opportunity to create a real point of difference by premiumising your offer, helping you stand out from the competition on the high street while driving your customers’ average spend.”