Biscuits are in above-average growth in Scotland with sweet, chocolatey treats the category’s star performers
SCOTLAND’S total take-home biscuit category is now worth £271m, according to Kantar Worldpanel, and while the market is flat in terms of value, it is seeing volume growth. What’s more, when Scotland is compared to the GB market, it is performing better in a number of areas.
Private label in both markets is doing well, in GB up by 1.5%, but in Scotland it’s growing strongly, up by 6.8%.
“Based on average category spend, Scottish shoppers do spend more and buy more often in independents on average than the GB shopper when it comes to buying biscuits,” said Amanda Brown, strategic insight director at Kantar Worldpanel.
“Scottish shoppers spend almost £105 per year on biscuits, an average of £2.10 per trip.
“Scottish shoppers spent £12.55 on take-home biscuits within the independent sector with almost 15% of Scottish shoppers purchasing biscuits over the last year within this sector.”
81% of Scottish shoppers buy chocolate biscuit bars – 9% more than GB shoppers – and spend £3.01 more a year on the sub-category, an average of £21.11 a year. Scots also spend more on everyday treats and crackers & crispbreads, but less on healthier and everyday biscuits.