For the love of coffee

C-STORE operators thinking of installing a coffee-to-go system could well be encouraged by a report from Mintel that shows 74% of Britons buy out-of-home hot drinks.

Cappuccino-coffee-in-takeaway-cupCoffee is the overwhelming favourite among the drinks with 71% of sales, Mintel reports. But the big chain coffee shops are not getting it all their own way. Coffee fans get their drinks from a variety of sources including fast food restaurants, pubs and other venues. It reckons the market will be worth ÂŁ3bn in 2016.

The report shows consumers aged 16 to 34 are most likely to buy a hot drink out of home with 81% doing so, compared to 67% of those aged over 65. However, older drinkers are more concerned about quality.

Global drinks analyst at Mintel Jonny Forsyth added: “Of those aged 45 to 64 who buy hot drinks out of the home, 60% say that high-quality coffee was an important influence compared to just 50% of those aged 16 to 34.”