Sharing and block lead sales surge

TAKE-HOME sales of chocolate confectionery in the year to late March rose in Britain by 1% in both volume and value, Kantar Worldpanel found.
But Scots showed themselves to be even keener on chocolate than the average GB shopper because north of the border sales were up 1.6% and take-home chocolate is now worth ÂŁ272m.
And the researcher found Scots shoppers made five more trips a year to buy chocolate and spent ÂŁ106 a year on chocolate to take home, which was ÂŁ8 more than the GB average.
Take-home figures won’t capture all of on-the-go sales but the Kantar Worldpanel showed that larger packs including sharing bags and block chocolate were recording significant growth, in Scottish take-home sales both were up 7% over the year.
