LICENSED character confectionery company Bon Bon Buddies has created three special Pez sweet dispensers for this year’s Comic Relief Red Nose Day campaign.
The firm will be supplying UK retailers with limited-edition, d
inosaur-themed Red Nose Day dispensers featuring three different “dinosaur” characters – Diomite, Triceytops and T-Spex.
A donation of 5p from every Pez Red Nose Day dispenser sold will go to Comic Relief.
Chris Howarth, managing director for Bon Bon Buddies said: “We have been successfully distributing Pez exclusively in the UK for four years.
“In the last calendar year, retail sales of Pez dispensers were £5m and we sell in the region of three million units every year to UK retailers.
“The brand has an amazing following here and we are confident that this link up with Red Nose Day will be a real winner,” he said.
Pez originates from Austria.