Girish creates a first for convenience retail north of the border

INNOVATIVE retailer Girish Jeeva is introducing the first 24-hour delivery service from a convenience store in Scotland – starting tomorrow (Wednesday 5 February).
The idea came about when he brought in a night-shift worker late last year to tidy up, fill shelves and check the prices were correct at his Premier store in Barmulloch, Glasgow.
Girish explained: “It’s totally changed the way we operate and the store now runs much more smoothly.
“I thought if I could have a second night-shift worker operating our Snappy Shopper delivery service, it would improve safety for those in the store overnight.
“And, with about 20 deliveries, an average basket spend of £30 and a £4 delivery charge, it will help the night shift pay for itself.”
Girish said he had spoken to Snappy Shopper chief exec Mike Callachan about the idea, which was well received, with the delivery tech firm offering a lot of support.
Premier Girish’s @ Barmulloch has a delivery area covering about four square miles, with competition from eight other stores.
Girish added: “There’s a lot of competition locally but we’re the first in Scotland to do this.”