First Scottish Food & Drink September launched

Month-long celebration to showcase Scotland’s food & drink sector through new Naturally Scottish brand

Turadh Distillery boss Anna Robertson, Scottish Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon and Scotland Food & Drink chief exec Iain Baxter at the launch of the first Scotland Food & Drink September.
Turadh Distillery boss Anna Robertson, Scottish Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon and Scotland Food & Drink chief exec Iain Baxter at the launch of the first Scotland Food & Drink September. Image: Chris Scott Photography Dundee.

HOLYROOD minister Mairi Gougeon has launched the inaugural Scottish Food & Drink September – extending the traditional fortnight-long event to a full four weeks.

The aim of the Scotland Food & Drink-led event is to highlight to remarkable growth and increasing global acclaim of Scotland’s diverse, high-quality produce, with the aim of further enhancing the industry’s prominence both nationally and internationally.

At the heart of this year’s celebration is the introduction of the ‘Naturally Scottish’ brand. Developed by the industry, Naturally Scottish is said to encapsulate the passion, pride, and authenticity that have come to define Scotland’s food and drink sector.

From renowned salmon, whisky and gin to the rising stars such as artisan cheeses, craft soft drinks, and premium baking goods, the Naturally Scottish brand showcases the exceptional quality and craftsmanship that makes the country’s produce truly world-class.

The Scottish Secretary for Rural Affairs was joined by Iain Baxter, chief executive of Scotland Food & Drink, for the launch event at Turadh Distillery in Angus, along with Anna Robertson, distiller and director of the spirits company.

Gougeon said: “Scotland is home to some of the best quality produce on the market, with innovative businesses and determined individuals working hard to make our sector such a success story.

“Food and drink is a £15billion industry that is one of the jewels in the crown of our economy and is revered around the globe.

“The newly developed, industry-led Naturally Scottish brand really tells the story of how our food and drink producers, farmers and fishers all come together to create incredible produce right here on our doorstep.

“I am delighted that we are now able to expand our celebration of that success over the month of September to reach as many people as possible.”

The Naturally Scottish campaign is designed to engage producers, retailers and consumers alike, encouraging them to share their stories, highlight their commitment to local produce, and promote the authenticity that sets Scottish food and drink apart.

Naturally Scottish branding and toolkit are available for use via this link for those who want to join in the celebration.

Baxter added: “The launch of Naturally Scottish embodies more than just our exceptional produce. It captures the essence of what it means to be Scottish. It’s about the provenance, the place, and the people who bring our food and drink to life.

“It’s an expression of our heritage, our commitment to sustainability and our innovation. Whether our products come directly from nature or are crafted with care, they all share the same spirit – they are all Naturally Scottish.

“Alongside the launch of this new brand, we are excited to double the time spent celebrating one of Scotland’s most important manufacturing sectors and all of the businesses, small and large, at the heart of this that make some of the world’s most delicious foods for locals and for export.”