Biscuit firm maintains quality and great value

THE iconic Tunnock’s chocolate biscuits are each very distinctive.
The Scottish confectioner’s Caramel Wafers, Tea Cakes, Caramel Logs, Wafer Creams and Snowballs are all easily differentiated from quite some distance away and you instantly know which is which.
But they all have two things in common, according to Tunnock’s, chocolate and consistently high quality.
Another reason that they stand out, says the company, is their size, with Tunnock’s emphasising that the chocolate biscuits are the same size now as they have always been.
Director Fergus Loudon said: “If your mother or your grandmother bought Tunnock’s Caramel Wafers 50 years ago, they were the same size then that they are today.
“And that matters. Tunnock’s has never needed to conduct opinion polls to discover what the consumer thinks of it and its chocolate biscuits.
“Since the company was founded 134 years ago, Tunnock’s has had a shop and the good people of Uddingston would very soon let Sir Boyd Tunnock know if they thought that company standards were slipping.”
Chocolate has a very special place in the hearts of most people.It first arrived in this country in the 17th century and, at that time, those who could afford it regarded chocolate as a remedy for a long list of ailments.
Tunnock’s reckons that, in the present day, there are times when taking a bite out of one of its Caramel Wafers undoubtedly makes consumers feel noticeably restored.
Over the centuries, the one thing that everyone has agreed on is that, irrespective of their motivation, people just like chocolate. That hasn’t changed.
Many famous people have openly talked about their liking for chocolate and chocolate products.
Here in the UK and around the world, countless well-known actors and entertainers have made clear their love of Scotland’s best-known chocolate biscuits.
Loudon said: “In a changing world, it is reassuring that Tunnock’s still holds the line, and does not compromise on quality or value for money.
“Chocolate is a wonderful ingredient, and it deserves to be part of a quality product. When consumers see that distinctive Tunnock’s wrapping, they know that they are not going to be disappointed.
“Tunnock’s chocolate biscuits remind people why they like such products – and why they come back to the places that sell them.”