A look at what’s going on across the convenience channel
Get set for Scottish Grocer Awards fun

THE judges have been travelling the length and breadth of the country in search of winners for the Scottish Grocer Awards 2023.
The standard of entrants this year was truly impressive and it has been a tough task trying to whittle down the finalists across all 15 categories.
The biggest night of the year in the Scottish retail calendar will be taking place on 1 November at the Hilton Glasgow – and now is the time to make sure you are there.
A standard table with 10 places only costs £1,600 plus VAT, while individual tickets are £160 plus VAT.
As well as the awards themselves, you’ll be treated to a drinks reception, a luxury three-course dinner with accompanying drinks, coffee and petit fours, and entertainment to make it a night to remember.
To book your place, go to www.scottishgrocer.co.uk and fill in the form. Alternatively, you can contact the event organisers directly at organisers@peeblesmedia.com or call 0141 567 6038.
Post Office warns of cash caution
CONSUMERS appear to be watching their pennies, according to the latest Post Office (PO) cash stats.
Personal cash withdrawals were £815m in July, down 2.5% month on month. Business cash deposits totalled £1.14bn, falling 2.5% compared with June. But personal cash deposits totalled £1.34bn – up 2.4% on June.
The PO’s Martin Kearsley said: “Falls in cash withdrawals and business deposits indicate consumers may have tightened their belts. The rise in cash deposits suggests people are putting money aside for a more financially constrained autumn.”
Spar’s £10k for Highland charity

A HIGHLAND charity is among the big winners of Spar’s second UK-wide £100,000 Community Cashback scheme.
More than 13,500 applications were received from shoppers highlighting local causes they felt deserved extra funding.
And winners of the top £10,000 grants included Fox & Friends Highland, which develops a range of community activities, clubs and events.
Lisa Davidson, founder of Fox & Friends, added: “This money will help us to help thousands of people all over the Highlands and that is just amazing. Thank you Spar and everyone involved.”