Fruit cup company Dole offers a couple of healthier newcomers

FINDING a healthier way to enjoy dessert can be a challenge but Dole Sunshine Company reckons it has the solution.
The fruit cup firm’s new Fruit & Cream range combines sun-ripened fruit with a smooth plant-based cream.
Available to buy now, the product comes in two flavours – Apple and Cinnamon and Peach and Vanilla – with RRPs at £2.49 for a pack of four cups.
And with more consumers remaining health-conscious since the pandemic, this new launch has come at a key time.
StreetBees research found that nearly 50,000 consumers said the number one attribute they sought when deciding on what to eat or drink was ‘no added sugar or low sugar’ content.
Andrew Bradshaw, UK sales director at the Dole Sunshine Company, said: “As part of our transition from packaged foods to a nutrition and wellness brand, we are expanding our offering, using our expertise and strong product credentials, with the launch of Dole Fruit & Cream.
“As consumers aspire to eat more healthily, while at the same time wanting indulgent treats, this new range should provide the perfect option, driving incremental sales to the ambient dessert category.
“It not only offers consumers something healthy and delicious that they can enjoy without guilt, but also at an affordable price, which is so important right now.”