Tunnock’s has thrown its support behind the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge

SCOTTISH confectioner Sir Boyd Tunnock is backing daredevil oarswomen Sabrina Simpson and Leanne Maiden as they bid to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic in a Caramel Wafer-emblazoned boat for charity.
Tunnock, who has had a passion for sailing for over 60 years, “launched” the vessel at the firm’s famous factory in Uddingston, Lanarkshire.
The 90-year-old, who skippers his own yacht Lemarac (caramel spelled backwards), said: “Only 13 pairs of women have ever attempted this feat. It’s a test of endurance and skill.
“I’m inspired by the girls and their tenacity… and I’m delighted to be backing their campaign.”
Simpson and Maiden need to raise £200,000 to race in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in December and donate to their charities – The Women’s Fund for Scotland, The Polar Academy and The Mabel Foundation.
Go to www.she-roars.com to donate.