Tennent’s keeps its consumers eco-informed

SUSTAINABILITY remains an important consideration for many consumers.
According to the 2022 UK Brand Sustainability Benchmark Report, one in four consumers has already changed loyalty based on green perceptions of the label, with shoppers switching to rivals with the stronger sustainability credentials at twice the rate of the average brand.
Therefore, ensuring that companies can match this consumer expectation as well effectively communicate these goals must be equally important to producers across the world.
It makes sense, then, that Tennent’s has been on board with this for some time now and certainly remains keen to continue down this track for the foreseeable future.
George Kyle, head of environmental, social and governance (ESG) at Tennent’s, said: “Sustainability is a core part of Tennent’s business and is integral across everything we do from sourcing, brewing and waste management to packaging and transport.
“As a business, we are continuously looking at how we can innovate and adapt to minimise our environmental impact, which has led to a number of significant investments over the years that have enabled us to support our environmental plans as part of our Life is Bigger than Beer pledge that first launched in 2019.”
A great deal of these investments have been made at the Wellpark site in Glasgow, including an innovative carbon capture facility that has allowed the factory to become completely self-sufficient in CO2 management.
The site also plays host to a treatment plant that improves the discharge of wastewater from making beer, as well as producing biogas to help power the facility’s energy and heat.
Making sure consumers are well aware of these efforts is a clear part of Tennent’s plan, as well, with its ‘Pint and a Plan’ workshops in 2022 directly engaging with members of the public to help give platforms to eco-friendly groups.
Recycling logos can also be seen across Tennent’s 120 million cans the brewery fills on average every year.
Each can informs shoppers that, when recycled, it can be back on store shelves in 60 days, with a ‘Please Enjoy Sustainably’ message, too.
Keeping customers informed will continue to be a key part of Tennent’s, as Kyle explained.
He said: “Sustainability is at the core of our business and we are continuously looking for ways to innovate and minimise our impact on the environment at both an operational and customer-facing level.
“We’re currently working on an exciting new sustainability campaign as part of our ongoing ‘Life is Bigger than Beer’ campaign, which will be revealed later this year.”