SGF joins anti-assault vow

THE Scottish Grocers’ Federation has joined emergency services, health colleagues and others to launch a National Assault Pledge.

It underlines a joint commitment to reduce violence and abuse against front-line workers.

The national partnership group includes Police Scotland, prosecutors, Retailers Against Crime, British Transport Police, NHS Scotland, Scottish Prison Service and Scottish Ambulance Service.

The group will share best practice, develop preventative measures and use consistent messaging in their workplace to support and encourage staff to report incidents.

SGF chief exec Pete Cheema said: “Front-line staff provide an essential community service and, whether they are police officers, paramedics or local shop staff, it is completely unacceptable that they are forced to face threating abuse or violence.

“The National Assault Pledge is an important step forward and adds to progress taken last August with the introduction of the Protection of Workers Act.”

Police Scotland figures show 3,099 recorded retail crimes for the year since the launch of the Act. Threatening abuse and assault account for 1,750 and 1,333 reported cases respectively.