Retail redundancies


COST cutting measures at the Co-op and Nisa are likely to result in significant job losses.

Overall, the Co-op expects around 400 roles will be made redundant. Nisa has also entered a period of consultation with staff. The symbol has not commented on the number of jobs at risk, but Scottish Grocer understands this will be in the region of 50 roles.

The Co-op, which acquired Nisa in 2017, blamed tough trading conditions including rising inflation for the need to make redundancies.

A Co-op spokesperson said: “At our last set of Annual Results, we shared that as part of our strategy, making our Co-op more efficient and cost-effective was a priority. The tough trading environment, including rising inflation, means we have taken the difficult decision to bring forward some of the changes we had planned for 2023.

“These changes, designed to simplify our approach to business, will sadly mean a number of colleagues in central functions will leave the business.

“There are no changes to customer-facing roles in our food stores and funeral homes and, where possible, we will reduce roles by not filling vacancies and through preferences to exit.

“We make these changes with a heavy heart, but it is the right thing to do for the long-term health of our Co-op and for all of our members.”

A spokesperson for Nisa said: “We are carrying out a review to lower our costs, in order to offer greater support to our partners and their customers during the current cost of living crisis.

“Unfortunately, the review will include a consultation on potential redundancy for some employees. We recognise this is a difficult time for so many and we are seeking to approach the review accordingly, while recognising the realities of the current economic climate.”