Consumers seek out Scottish beer

BELHAVEN is in the ascendancy in the Scottish off trade, according to the East Lothian brewery’s marketing controller Steven Sturgeon.
Sturgeon said the brand is experiencing “strong growth” in Scottish stores, and he reckons Scottish consumers have shown they value provenance when shopping the beer category, with Belhaven seeing the benefit.
“It is well documented that this lockdown has changed shopping habits for the foreseeable future, with quality, value and authenticity at the vanguard of choice.
“Buying ‘Scottish’ has benefited from the significant increases in buying at the local store and via ecommerce,” he said.
In a bid to further capitalise on demand for all things Scottish, Belhaven now offers a set of POS materials that puts Scotland’s national larder centre stage, as Sturgeon explained.
“We are showcasing food pairing ideas with point of sale material to trigger impulse sales – how about Belhaven 80/- and Scotch Pie or Belhaven Best with beer battered fish and chips – which is a great way to celebrate Scottish food and drink,” he said.