Staying safe and on brand

STAFF at KeyStore shops throughout Scotland and the north of England can now greet customers wearing branded face coverings.
The masks are available in the colours of both the KeyStore and KeyStore More brands.
Staff at wholesaler JW Filshill’s headquarters in Hillington have been issued with Filshill-branded masts.
Craig Brown, Filshill’s chief sales and marketing officer, said: “We were very quick off the mark to provide retailers with Perspex screens at tills and social distancing floor vinyls to provide safety reassurance for staff and peace of mind for the increasing number of shoppers who were choosing to shop locally.
“The new branded face masks are an extension of that support and send out a message that our stores continue to offer a safe environment for staff and their customers.”
Brown added that the wholesaler has created social media posts and videos for retailers to use on their own Facebook pages.