A tyreing charity cycle

Tour de Wales: The GroceryAid cycle team traversed 358km north to south

AFTER a successful inaugural year, GroceryAid will once again host its gruelling Coast to Coast cycle challenge to raise funds for the charity.

Sponsored by Coca-Cola European Partners (CCEP), the event will see 70 cyclists take on the 358km route from Caernarfon to Swansea.

The 37 riders who took part last year managed to raise just over ÂŁ50,000, a total that they hope to double this year.

Steve Barnes, chief executive of GroceryAid said: “Applications for crisis grants have increased significantly so if the riders achieve their target it will make a massive difference to the support we can provide to those in our industry who need it the most”.

And Gary Black, sales director at CCEP and committee member for the event, said that GroceryAid was a cause close to his heart.

“It supports thousands of people in need across our industry.

“£100,000 would provide 135 financial grants for working colleagues who find themselves in a crisis.” situation,” he said.