More toy joy

CHILDREN’S confectionery brand Kinder has teamed up with Mattel and Warner Brothers for the latest version of its Kinder Surprise egg.

The pink and blue packaged eggs contain Barbie and Justice League toys.
Their introduction will be promoted through a £1.3m TV campaign, starting in March and running for six weeks.
Customer development director at brand owner Ferrero Levi Boorer said: “Kinder Pink and Blue first launched in 2013 and the brand is now worth £67m, whilst continuing to grow at 15% in a declining kid’s confectionery category.
“Kinder has sustained its growth by appealing to many families as the ideal way to treat children due to its high quality, added value and small portion sizes.
“In addition, the Kinder Surprise Pink and Blue proposition continues to deliver incremental sales for retailers and we’re confident that these new limited editions will be a hit with parents looking to purchase a relevant treat for their children.”
The new Kinder Surprise Pink and Blue eggs come with  an RRP of 86p.
Boorer said retailers can make use of a range of dedicated POS materials suitable for all store sizes by ordering online at