More bang for the buck

Hells-Messenger-2WITH Diwali in October and Guy Fawkes night at the start of November Bestway Wholesale is expecting great demand for fireworks this year.

In response, it is offering a buy one get one free deal on all fireworks ranging from sparklers to ÂŁ100 boxes and multi-shot packages.

Sales director Tony Holmes said: “We have something for everyone with over 100 fireworks ranging from mammoth sparklers to multi-shot barrages.

“Although some retailers sell fireworks all year round, 93% of firework sales through our depots come within a four week period around November with the bulk of the remainder selling around the New Year period.

“Events such as Diwali and Bonfire Night offer real opportunities for growth as these events offer ideal social occasions with friends and family gathering together at home.”

Holmes stressed that retailers wishing to sell fireworks have to apply for a licence from their local authority or trading standards office and said that while there is a cost involved in securing a licence retailers who promote and price fireworks effectively will soon recoup any outlay.