A long hot summer can boost bottled water sales enormously but according to one major producer 2016 is already looking good. Nestlé says that by recording an 11% increase in the 12 weeks to the end of March 2016 bottled water has taken the top spot as the fastest growing segment in UK soft drinks.
In a bid to boost sales of its own bottled waters, Nestlé Water has now made its Pure Life 1.5-litre bottle available as a single. And to support the launch it is running a retailer competition with the chance to win a branded fridge.
Sales director Sandy Madhar said: “Fridges from beacon brands help to signpost the category and attract additional shoppers.”
For a chance to win the fridge retailers should email the phrase Nestlé Waters Fridge and their store details to Nestléfridge@cirkle.com.
• American manufacturer Talking Rain Beverage Company has launched its range of Sparkling Ice flavoured sparkling water in to the UK.
Sparkling Ice is a combination of sparkling water, natural flavours, fruit juice and vitamins. It has an RRP of £1.49 for a 500ml bottle.
For its launch, the brand has introduced three of its most popular flavours, Black Raspberry, Orange Mango and Peach Nectarine.
President and CEO of Talking Rain Kevin Klock said: “As Sparkling Ice continues to grow and expand, we look forward to emulating the brand’s US success in the UK.
“As an established category leader in the US soft drinks market, with over $659 million in retail sales in 2015, we are proud to offer a ‘better for you’ soft drink choice that delivers bold flavour.”
• Children as young as one year old are the target consumer for the latest drink from Natural Immune Products.
Nurture Fruity Water+ is made with 55% water and 45% natural juice and its manufacturer says it contains less than one teaspoon of naturally occurring sugar per 100ml.
Founder Derek Sanders said: “In a major international survey, 88% of respondents were interested in food or beverages with immune health benefits, but only 40% actively bought them, demonstrating a 48% potential sales growth gap.
“Evidence indicates that parents are increasingly demanding healthier children’s drinks with no added sugar and lower naturally occurring sugar.”