SYSTEMS and e-liquids supplier Ev8 is looking to build sales and relationships with retailers in Scotland and it reckons it offers several benefits, and one particular advantage.
“We’ve done very well in England and Wales and I think it’s down to quality, full stop,” said Asif Ayub of Ev8.
“Almost all the liquids that come into the country are from China. Our liquid is from Europe and all of our flavours are from Europe too and the taste is much, much better.
“What that means for the retailer is more repeat business.”
The Manchester-based company offers a full range of e-cigarettes, tank-based systems and a 32-strong range of flavours.
“We deal direct , we don’t go through third parties. We offer a very high level of customer service and we want to stay in control of that,” Ayub said.
“Generally speaking it’s overnight delivery if you order by 3pm.
“We have full POS including back-loading counter displays. We have a slimline counter display unit holding 12 liquids and a bigger one that holds 20 bottles.
“I think the market is moving to liquids largely because of the flavours, to be honest. You can try new things, you can mix them.
“It becomes a different habit to smoking. It’s more fun.
“We offer 40% profit on return. And it’s sale or return. No-one will get stuck with a particular flavour, not that it happens very often.
“The minimum order is £50. You don’t have to invest a lot of money.
“And sourced in Europe the materials will be future compliant.”