SCOTTISH Grocer is on the hunt for Scotland’s local retail champions, in the Scottish Grocer Awards 2014.
The entry brochure for Scotland’s leading reward and recognition scheme for the country’s food and drink retailers was issued with last month’s edition of Scottish Grocer magazine. And full details and entry forms are also online at www.www.scottishgrocer.co.uk/awards2014
We need your entry by 15 November 2013.
We’re looking for champions in symbol stores and independent non-affiliated stores, we’re looking for businesses that are leaders in their local communities, advocates of healthy eating, of sustainability and of social responsibility, stores that are excellent in merchandising and in the retailing of beer, confectionery, tobacco, chilled foods, and more.
And we’re doing it all in association with some of the food and drink industry’s most important brands, companies and organisations.
So get your entry to us by 15 November for the big one –The Scottish Grocer Awards 2014.