The Government needs to be ‘realistic and practical’ on Generational Smoking Ban

Bobby Singh, of BB Nevison Superstore & Post Office in Pontefract.This article contains paid-for content.

Bobby Singh, of BB Nevison Superstore & Post Office in Pontefract, shares his views on the proposed Generational Smoking Ban, which was put back on the table by the Labour Government as part of the King’s Speech.

“For me, one of the biggest issues with the proposed Generational Ban is that it will be impractical for retailers to enforce. It will likely lead to an increase in illicit tobacco trade, as well as bringing a whole load of confrontation to our counters. On top of this, it will reduce the incomes of retailers. I’m not sure the smoking ban has been fully considered by the Government in terms of how it will impact retailers on the ground. 

“We’re seeing illicit tobacco pop up left, right and centre. I feel tobacco sales should only come from licensed outlets. This is where the Government should be focussing its attention on.

“Responsible retailing should be at the centre of any tobacco legislation changes. As it stands, the Generational Ban is likely to open to door to illegal products and the Government will need the resources to tackle this.

“There are age restrictions on many products so that mature individuals can make a choice on what they purchase. This would be taken away with a Generational Ban.

“Raising the age limit to 21, like the Irish Government has announced, would be a practical alternative. This would still give adults a choice and is clearer for retailers to enforce. 

Now is the time for the Government to work closely with retailers on the front line of retail to get a realistic picture of the impacts of their proposed bill and work together to find solutions.”

Retailers can raise concerns about the proposed Generational Smoking Ban with their local MP –