Multi-site supermarket water: efficient payment options

Stack of supermarket water bills on desk.

This article contains paid-for content in collaboration with Boyd Digital.

In the supermarket industry, efficiency is key. Even the largest supermarket brands are working within tight profit margins. For businesses that operate in more than one location, the water bill from individual sites can easily rack up. Keeping track of the usage and consumption of individual sites usually means working through individual bills to gain a clear insight into what you owe and why.

Castle Water specialises in multi-premise water management, which could be the ideal way for you to gain back precious admin hours as well as save money on your final water bill.

Water usage in supermarkets

Before we get into how multi-site billing can save supermarkets money on water, let’s discuss why they need it first. Water utilities come higher on the priority list for grocers than other industries. In addition to requiring water for their employees, they also need to take into consideration uses that include:

  • Heating
  • Cleaning / Maintenance
  • Refrigerators and Freezers (Cooling purposes)
  • Bathrooms
  • Fire Protection
  • Displays

Some of these needs may also mean that trade effluent and wastewater must be taken into consideration when budgeting for final bills.

Consolidated billing for multi-site efficiency

With consolidated billing, you will receive a single monthly bill that covers all premises or meters. Wastewater, drainage and trade effluent services can also be included on the bill in addition to water usage, making the process even simpler. The bill can be viewed and downloaded through an online portal to streamline the process even further.

Even though you will receive only a single bill, you will still be able to see the breakdown of costs between premises, which is a benefit if you need to calculate the spending of individual locations.

Water management: why is it important?

Engaging with a water company that knows the needs of multi-site businesses doesn’t just bring billing benefits. With the amount of water used across all sites viewable in one place, you can quickly spot trends and discrepancies that would be harder to pinpoint when dealing with multiple bills.

Castle Water can also provide water audits for your location and give advice on water-saving measures. Some of their recommendations you could implement today include:

How can a supermarket save water? Tips to save money on water bills:

Install water-efficient fixtures: Replace old taps, toilets, and toilets with low-flow or water-saving models to reduce water consumption.

Implement oeak detection systems: Regularly monitor plumbing systems for leaks.

Capture and reuse rainwater: Install rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store rainwater for non-potable uses such as landscape and restroom flushing.

Educate staff and customers: Raise awareness among employees and customers about the importance of water conservation and encourage water-saving behaviours, such as turning off taps when not in use.

The future of water in supermarkets

As the push for more sustainable water practices grows and profit margins continue to shrink, expect to see more and more supermarkets opting for efficient billing processes with consolidated billing to save time, money and resources.