Bestway for convenience

Interior of Bestway Retail wholesale depot
Bestway Wholesale depots stock products to suit Scottish retailers and shoppers.

Symbol lays out its benefits for Scottish retailers

WHOLESALER Bestway’s strong relationships with its suppliers and retailers ensures pleasing results all round, say the company’s bosses.

And that applies to consumers, as the firm keeps abreast of changing habits and trends, including technological developments within the convenience sector.

Bestway Wholesale trading director Kenton Burchell said: “We work with suppliers with the best brands, to make sure we have the best core range and stock throughout the year.”

Bestway said the collaboration with its suppliers will allow retailers with the symbol to capitalise on maximising their seasonal events thanks to the highlights created in Bestway depots.

The firm reckons its strategic merchandise will help retailers in the selection of products and view the different sub-categories that Bestway has endorsed and clearly displayed in the depot.

“In working collaboratively with suppliers, we highlight best brands that our retailers need to stock in their stores, with point of sale materials and activations to ensure this is a continuous process throughout the year,” said Burchell.

So Bestway now has a ‘must stock lines’ range in Scotland to meet the needs of retailers’ and their customers – increasing the options of take-home packs, as demand has risen for frozen food and ready-to-eat meals.

Bestway Depot interior

The wholesaler is also developing its sustainability strategy ahead of the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), set to go live for consumers in August 2023.

It is working with third-party suppliers on the criteria for exemptions, the infrastructure and acquisition of reverse vending machines.

Meanwhile, investment in advanced digital technology is helping Bestway’s retailers accelerate efficiency and business growth.

Bestway said it prides itself in having symbol stores that serve the community that are well stocked and provide the best quality and value with a range of products and promotions.

Burchell explained: “We want retailers who have the passion and compassion in serving the community and who are flexible in their approach in offering a personalised service to their customers.

“We want our retailers to understand the demographics they serve. We also want them to be open to changes in terms of the scale of the Bestway business, its standards and policies.

“We can offer the best deals and promotions with the continued investment we have in stock buying, stock management and distribution to ensure we maintain high stock levels of availability and maintain price increases to a minimum degree.

“We believe we have the best support package for our retailers in the symbol business. We ensure our retailers are up to date with key issues including legislation on DRS, health & safety, food standards and sustainability, with a strategy to net zero sustainability.”