A gift card for loving local

Spar shows its support for local communities.

Paula Middleton of Spar Scotland
“A no brainer.” Paula Middleton said it was an easy decision join the scheme.

SPAR is the latest national retailer to sign up with the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card.
Part of Miconex’s Town and City Gift Card concept, the scheme lets consumers purchase gift cards tied to their local area.

The scheme is running across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland and is backed by Scotland’s Towns Partnership and the Scottish Government.

Paula Middleton, marketing manager for Spar Scotland, said: “It was a no brainer for us to join the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card. It’s a scheme that supports local businesses and local communities, we absolutely knew we had to get involved.

“Anything that we can do to encourage people to shop locally, support local businesses through increased footfall, and create positive communities, we have to do, and the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card ticks all of those boxes.”

Colin Munro, managing director of Miconex, said: “Customers want diversity in their towns or cities, and creating successful, vibrant, inclusive towns and cities is very much on the government agenda.

“By participating in the Scotland Loves Local scheme, nationals and independents have a tangible means to unite, collaborate and contribute to the evolution of their town or city.”