Pandemic support

INDUSTRY charity GroceryAid has reported a rise in demand for its services during the pandemic.

In its latest Impact Report publication, the charity revealed it provided 17,492 incidences of support across 2020/21, 73% of which was to colleagues of working age.

GroceryAid spent £5 million over the period delivering emotional, practical and financial support, with 4,200 colleagues receiving financial support.

The charity also revealed more than 13,000 colleagues contacted its 24-hour helpline, with a 148% increase in relationship counselling and 40% of all law advice sessions being Family Law.

Charles Wilson, former Booker chief executive sitting president of GroceryAid, said that the charity had anticipated rising demand for its services during the pandemic.

“We were able to provide assistance to record numbers reaching out for support.
“This was possible as a result of the generosity from trade-in backing the charity through an extraordinarily difficult period,” he said.