BIG changes come to tobacco manufacturing this May and major changes will affect tobacco retailers a year later thanks to the implementation of the latest European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD2) and, if legal challenges fail, plain packaging rules. And tobacco giant JTI last month launched its plan to guide its retail customers through the introduction of the new rules.
JTI UK head of customer marketing Jonathan Yajima told Scottish Grocer the company had held workshops before developing a three-phase strategy called Your Guide Through Change.
“Phase 1 we’re calling ‘Business as usual’ because, though change is coming, retailers don’t have to be compliant until May 2017,” he said.
“All the products are still available to buy. The most important thing is that retailers keep their range and their availability because they need to keep satisfying the needs of smokers who come into their shop.”
As the process continues and the retail deadline of My 2017 approaches JTI will move on to phase two ‘Be aware’ when the company will give specific advice on issues like stock rotation. It will move finally to phase three ‘Be compliant’ ahead of the deadline and will give information that will help ensure retailers properly comply with the new rules.
The strategy includes sales rep delivered information, printed materials and online information at the company’s retailer information and advice website JTI Advance.
Change isn’t new in the tobacco industry and major changes like the display ban have been handled smoothly, Yajima said. The firm had developed Your Guide Through Change to reassure its customers and its staff that it would provide the information necessary and walk them through the process, he said.