Fresh new offers from Londis

SYMBOL store group Londis has launched a new core range of fresh fruit, salads and vegetables, featuring price-marked packs at everyday low price points.
The launch follows research with Londis retailers which found that the execution of the fresh offer varied from store to store.
The firm says the initiative will simplify its fresh-produce offer for retailers and consumers – it promotes around 35 key lines with price-marked packs.
The lines include six products priced at ÂŁ1, including a 450g net of oranges, 18 products priced at ÂŁ1.50, six products priced at ÂŁ2 and three products priced at ÂŁ2.50, including 500g punnets of mixed grapes.
The stores group says the new range will have higher margins than existing lines.

• And Londis now offers retailers personalised web pages for their stores. The pages form part of the Londis website, which was upgraded last year.

Londis has changed its fresh produce range to include price-marked packs
Londis has changed its fresh produce range to include price-marked packs